Chapter 1: Next Generation Java Development.
Chapter 2: Development Environment.
Chapter 3: User Interface Design.
Chapter 4: Components For Navigation and Layout.
Chapter 5: Components For Feedback and Behaviour.
Chapter 6: Components For Data Presentation and Multimedia.
Chapter 7: Components For Data Creation and Selection.
Chapter 8: User Interfaces Customization.
Chapter 9: Reusable Facelets Components.
Chapter 10: Push Technology.
Chapter 1: Next Generation Java Development
- ICEfaces
- Icesoft defines ICEfaces as an AJAX extension of JavaServer Faces.
Chapter 2: Development Environment
- Spring Framework
- Dependency Injection
- Spring beans instead of JSF beans → implements Backing Bean Concept
- Used in all layers
- Transaction Management & persistence
- Hibernate → Object Relational Mapping → through annotations
- Spring Security
- Protect Web Access → login, remember me, logout...
- Hibernate
- POJOs → managing persistence
- AppFuse framework → automated generation of hibernate artifacts during build process.
- Apache tomahawk
- JSF components that extend JSF specification.
- 100% compatible with the Sun JSF 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI / mojarra) or any other JSF 1.1 compatible implementation
- For further information on compatibility between Tomahawk and other frameworks/libraries, please see the relevant wiki page
Chapter 3: User Interface Design.
- User Interfaces Design
- An important part of the user interface design is the page layout.
- web applications that mimic desktop behavior
- desktop metaphor in the Web context mixed with user habits based on the first decade of the Web
- shift your mind to components and events
- Software ergonomics
- ISO standard 9241, Ergonomics of Human System Interaction ( This standard describes how a system has to be designed to be human-engineered. The most important part of ISO 9241 for software developers is part 110, dialog principles,
- Suitability for the task
- Suitability for learning
- Suitability for individualization
- Conformity with user expectations
- Self-descriptiveness
- Controllability
- Error tolerance
- The technical limitations that derive from your framework decisions can be additionally frustrating.
- Occam's razor: “everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”.
- User interface design principles
- Suitability for the task: the functionality of a web application seldom delivers what the user requires to fulfill his needs.
- Self-descriptiveness: what is the context I am working in at the moment?, what is the next possible step?
- Controllability: the user must be able to stop his/her work at any time. For example, for a lunch break or telephone call, without any disadvantages.
- Conformity with user expectations: cultural background, similar socialization, use of words of the target language, standardization, single implementation for each context that is reused in different web pages.
- Error tolerance: allow mishandling of the application. dialog boxes presenting corresponding error information.
- Suitability for individualization: If you add more flexibility to the user interface, keep in mind that it becomes more complex. Finding the right balance is a process. So, do not stop with the first iteration.
- Suitability for learning: the user chooses the trial and error process to learn a new application. For this, the application has to be intuitive in its usage.
- The layout design: Defines the logical output sections of a web application.
- The navigation design: Defines how to use the web application.
- The skin design: Defines how a web application looks.
- Header: a graphic that covers the complete section that is an integral part of brand recognition.
- Main navigation: saving space.
- Content: use dialogs with a caption. Content is used for everything that has to be presented to the use,
- Forms to manipulate data of the backend; for example, for administration purposes.
- Informational pages that show, for example, tables of data records for certain system objects.
- More complex and interactive components that may allow a prompt result, such as a GoogleMap presentation.
- Footer: status information, copyright, privacy policy, the terms of use, or a link to an about page.
- Facelets templating is used to implement the layout design. It is officially a part of the JSF specification since release 2.0.
- The page template
- File | New | Other | Web | HTML Page → page-template.xhtml for File name → choose New ICEfaces Facelets.xhtml File (.xhtml).
- Eclipse → Select File → Open with → Web Page Editor.
- Tags introduced: <ui:insert name=””>, <ui:include src=””>
- We need a reference to one of the ICEfaces default skins in the <head> tag to get a correct menu presentation.
- Using the template
- Including CSS, Javascript or FavIcon.
- We need a reference to the page template so that the templating knows that it has to manage the page. As the page template defines the page structure, we no longer need a <head> tag definition.
- Facelets has a look at the complete code base and matches pairs of corresponding name attribute definitions between <ui:insert name="..."> and <ui:define name="..."> tags.
- <ui:insert name="..."> tag allows us to set defaults that are used if we do not definesomething for replacement.
- <ui:composition template=””>, <ui:define>
- Delivers a standardized templating based on experiences from productive development.
- Maven 2 conventions
- folder names follow the AppFuse conventions
- The new tags are managed via a Facelets tag library. We use the icefusion namespace to reference the tags
- <ui:component> tag describes where the code for a Facelets tag starts and stops. Everything outside this tag is ignored
- With ICEfusion, we get a production-ready templating implementation that can be used for the creation of ICEcube. ICEcube can then be extended with the code examples from the chapters that follow.
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